Terms of Service

Welcome to Kruvon. As a leading global investment firm, we specialize in managing energy assets through the private equity asset class and strategic partnerships. Our commitment to excellence and innovation drives our investment strategies, ensuring sustainable growth and value for our stakeholders.

Below we have listed important legal terms that apply to anyone who visits our website or uses our services. These terms are necessary in order to protect both you and us, and to make our services possible and more enjoyable for everyone. Kruvon offers investment services and features and part of the terms below may not be relevant to the specific services you use.

→ Introduction

1.1. Our Purpose Our purpose is to provide clear and comprehensive information regarding the terms and services that govern your interactions with our firm. As a global investment company specializing in the management of energy assets, we are committed to ensuring transparency, trust, and mutual understanding. This document outlines the conditions under which we operate, our responsibilities, and your rights as a valued client. By setting these guidelines, we aim to foster a secure and professional environment for all parties involved in our investment activities.

1.2. Legal Agreement These kruvon.com Terms of Service (“Terms of Service”), together with such additional terms which specifically apply to some of our services and features as presented on the kruvon.com website(s) (“Kruvon Website”, and collectively – the “Kruvon Terms”), all set forth the entire terms and conditions applicable to each visitor or user (“User” our “you”) of the Kruvon Website, and/or any other services, applications and features offered by us with respect thereto, except where we explicitly state otherwise (all services offered through the Kruvon Website collectively – the “Kruvon Services” or “Services”). The Kruvon Terms constitute a binding and enforceable legal contract between Kruvon and its affiliated companies and subsidiaries worldwide (“Kruvon”, “us” or “we”) and you in relation to the use of any Kruvon Services - so please read them carefully.

You may visit and/or use the Kruvon Services only if you fully agree to the Kruvon Terms - and by using and/or registering to any of the Kruvon Services, you signify and affirm your informed consent to these Terms of Use and any other Kruvon Terms applicable to your use of any Kruvon Services. If you do not read, fully understand and agree to the Kruvon Terms, you must immediately leave the Kruvon Website and avoid or discontinue all use of the Kruvon Services. By using our Services, you acknowledge that you have read our Privacy Policy available at Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”).

1.3. User Account

There are no user accounts as of now but are mentioned in the event of future changes.

→ Your Obligation

2.1. You represent and warrant that:

1. you are at least thirteen (13) years of age, or sixteen (16) years of age if you are an individual within the European Union (EU), or of the legal age of majority in your jurisdiction, and possess the legal authority, right and freedom to enter into the Kruvon Terms and to form a binding agreement, for yourself or on behalf of the person or entity committed by you to the Kruvon Terms; 2. you are not a resident of (or will use the Kruvon Services in) a country that the Canada. government has embargoed for use of the Kruvon Services, nor are you named on the Treasury Board of Canada's list of Specially Designated Nationals or any other applicable trade sanctioning regulations; 3. you understand that Kruvon does not provide any legal & financial advice or any recommendation with respect to any laws or requirements applicable to your use or any of your End Users, or your compliance therewith;

4. you have obtained all consents and permissions required under all applicable laws, regarding the posting and transmission of any personal information of any person, entity or property which is part of the User Content, and you will adhere to all laws applicable thereto.

2.2. You undertake and agree to:

  1. fully comply with all applicable laws and any other contractual terms which govern your use of the Kruvon Services (and any related interaction), including those specific laws applicable to you or your End Users in any of your geographical locations;
  2. be solely responsible and liable with respect to any of the uses of the Kruvon Services which occur under your User Account and/or User Platform(s), and for any of your User Content (including for any consequences of accessing, importing, uploading, copying, using or publishing such User Content on or with respect to the Kruvon Services);
  3. receive from time to time promotional messages and materials from Kruvon or its partners e-mail you may provide us with.If you wish not to receive such promotional materials or notices – please just notify us at any time;
  4. allow Kruvon to use in perpetuity, worldwide and free of charge, any version of your User Platform (or any part thereof) for any of Kruvon’s marketing and promotional activities, online and/or offline, and modify it as reasonably required for such purposes, and you waive any claims against Kruvon or anyone on its behalf relating to any past, present or future moral rights, artists’ rights, or any other similar rights worldwide that you may have in or to your User Platform with respect to such limited permitted uses;
  5. Kruvon’s sole discretion as to the means, manner, and method for performing the Kruvon Services, including those regarding the transmission, and/or display of any User Platforms and/or Content (including the inclusion and presentation of any advertisements or other commercial content with respect thereto).

2.3. You agree and undertake not to:

  1. modify, create derivative works of, download, adapt, reverse engineer, emulate, migrate to another service, translate, compile, decompile or disassemble the Kruvon Website, the Kruvon Services (or any part thereof), any Content offered by Kruvon or Third Party Services for use and display within User Platforms (“Licensed Content”) and/or any part thereof in any way, or publicly display, perform, transmit or distribute any of the foregoing without Kruvon’s prior written and specific consent and/or as expressly permitted under the Kruvon Terms;
  2. submit, transmit or display any User Content, or use Licensed Content in a context, which may be deemed as defamatory, libellous, obscene, harassing, threatening, incendiary, abusive, racist, offensive, deceptive or fraudulent, encouraging criminal or harmful conduct, or which otherwise violates the rights of Kruvon or any third party (including any intellectual property rights, privacy rights, contractual or fiduciary rights), or otherwise shows any person, entity or brand in a bad or disparaging light, without their prior explicit approval;
  3. use any illegal action to collect data for other websites, third parties, software or services;
  4. use any “robot”, “spider” or other automatic device, program, script, algorithm, or methodology, or any similar or equivalent manual process, to access, acquire, copy, or monitor any portion of the Kruvon Services (or its data and/or Content), or in any way reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of any of the Kruvon Services to obtain or attempt to obtain any materials, documents, services or information through any means not purposely made available through the Kruvon Services;
  5. act in a manner which might be perceived as damaging to Kruvon's reputation and goodwill or which may bring Kruvon into disrepute or harm;
  6. purchase search engine or other pay per click keywords (such as Google AdWords), or domain names that use Kruvon or Kruvon Marks and/or variations and misspellings thereof;
  7. impersonate any person or entity or provide false information on the Kruvon Services and/or User Platform, whether directly or indirectly, or otherwise perform any manipulation in order to disguise your identity or the origin of any message or transmittal you send to Kruvon and/or any End Users;
  8. falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity, or falsely express or imply that Kruvon or any third party endorses you, your User Platform, your business, your User Products, or any statement you make;
  9. reverse look-up, trace, or seek to trace another User of Kruvon Services, or otherwise interfere with or violate any other User’s right to privacy or other rights, or harvest or collect personally identifiable information about visitors or users of the Kruvon Services and/or User Platform without their express and informed consent;
  10. disable, circumvent, bypass or otherwise avoid any measures used to prevent or restrict access to the Kruvon Services, User Platform, the account of another User(s), or any other systems or networks connected to the Kruvon Services, by hacking, password mining, or other illegitimate or prohibited means;
  11. probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of the Kruvon Services or any network connected to the Kruvon Services;
  12. upload to the Kruvon Services and/or User Platform or otherwise use them to design, develop, distribute and/or otherwise transmit or execute, any virus, worm, Trojan Horse, time bomb, web bug, spyware, malware, or any other computer code, file, or program that may or is intended to damage or hijack the operation of any hardware, software, or telecommunications equipment, or any other actually or potentially harmful, disruptive, or invasive code or component;
  13. take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the infrastructure of the Kruvon Services or Kruvon’s systems or networks connected to the Kruvon Services, or otherwise interfere with or disrupt the operation of any of the Kruvon Services, or the servers or networks that host them or make them available, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of such servers or networks;
  14. use any of the Kruvon Services and/or User Platform in connection with any form of spam, unsolicited mail, fraud, scam, phishing, “chain letters”, “pyramid schemes” or similar conduct, or otherwise engage in unethical marketing or advertising;
  15. access to Kruvon Services, User Accounts, Licensed Content and/or User Content, through any means or technology (e.g. scraping and crawling), other than our publicly supported interfaces.
  16. sell, license, or exploit for any commercial purposes any use of or access to the Licensed Content and/or Kruvon Services, except as expressly permitted by the Kruvon Terms;
  17. remove or alter any copyright notices, watermarks, restrictions and signs indicating proprietary rights of any of our licensors, including copyright mark [©], Creative Commons [(cc)] indicators, or trademarks [® or ™] contained in or accompanying the Kruvon Services and/or Licensed Content; or
  18. violate, attempt to violate, or otherwise fail to comply with any of the Kruvon Terms or any laws or requirements applicable to your use of the Kruvon Services.
  19. access or use the Services for benchmarking or similar competitive analysis purposes or in order to build a competitive product or service.

→ Content and Ownership

3.1 Your Intellectual Property:

As between Kruvon and you, you shall own all intellectual property pertaining to your User Content and and to any other materials created by you, Kruvon does not claim ownership rights on these.

3.2 Kruvon’s Intellectual Property:

All rights, title and interest in and to the Kruvon Services, including any and all copyrightable materials or any other content thereof which is or may be subject to any intellectual property are owned by Kruvon.

3.3 Feedback and Suggestions:

If you provide us with any suggestions, comments or other feedback relating to the Kruvon Services (whether existing, suggested or contemplated), which is or may be subject to any Intellectual Property rights (“Feedback”), such Feedback shall be exclusively owned by Kruvon. By providing such Feedback to Kruvon, you acknowledge and agree that it may be used by Kruvon in order to: (i) further develop, customize and improve of the Kruvon Services, (ii) provide ongoing assistance and technical support, (iii) contact you with general or personalized Kruvon-related notices and/or interview requests based on your feedback or otherwise, (iv) facilitate, sponsor and offer certain promotions, and monitor performance, (v) to create aggregated statistical data and other aggregated and/or inferred information, which Kruvon may use to provide and improve its services, (vi) to enhance Kruvon data security and fraud prevention capabilities, and (vii) to comply with any applicable laws and regulations. In addition, you (1) represent and warrant that such Feedback is accurate, complete, and does not infringe on any third party rights; (2) irrevocably assign to Kruvon any right, title and interest you may have in such Feedback and (3) explicitly and irrevocably waive any and all claims relating to any past, present or future moral rights, artists’ rights, or any other similar rights worldwide in or to such Feedback.

→ Privacy

Certain parts of the Kruvon Services (including certain Third Party Services) require or involve the submission, collection and/or use of certain personally identifying or identifiable information. In particular and as a part of accessing or using the Kruvon Services, Kruvon and such Third Party Services may collect, access and use certain data pertaining to Users and End Users, including the activities or navigation undertaken by Users and End Users through the Kruvon Services and/or User Platforms. We encourage you to read our Privacy Policy and each such Third Party Services’ relevant policies on a regular basis, for a description of such data collection and use practices.

→ Third Party Services

The Kruvon Services enable you to engage and procure certain third party services, products and tools for enhancing your User Platform and your overall user experience, including, without limitation, third party applications and widgets offered via the Kruvon Website.

You acknowledge and agree that regardless of the manner in which such Third Party Services may be offered to you (bundled or integrated within certain Kruvon Services, offered separately by Kruvon or persons certified or authorized by Kruvon, or otherwise offered anywhere on the Kruvon Services), Kruvon merely acts as an intermediary platform between you and such Third Party Services, and does not in any way endorse any such Third Party Services, or shall be in any way responsible or liable with respect thereto. Kruvon will not be a party to, or in any way be responsible for monitoring, any interaction or transaction between you and any Third party Services.

Any and all use of such Third Party Services shall be done solely at your own risk and responsibility, and may be subject to such legal terms which govern such Third Party Services, which you are encouraged to review before engaging with them.If you use third parties' services, software or goods while using our Services, you declare that you act in compliance with their terms of use. For example, if you use YouTube while using the Services, you must comply with the applicable YouTube terms and its privacy policy as in the effective version as of the date of use of such services.

→ Third Party Services

6.1 Misconduct and Abuse:

When using the Kruvon Services, you may be exposed to User Platforms, User Content or Third Party Services from a variety of sources, which may be inaccurate, offensive, objectionable or illegal. You hereby waive any legal or equitable rights or remedies you have or may have against Kruvon with respect thereto.

If you believe a User or any Third Party Services acted inappropriately or otherwise misused any of the Kruvon Services, please immediately report such User and/or Third Party Service to us via [email protected]. You agree that your report shall not impose any responsibility or liability upon Kruvon, and that Kruvon may consider such report and act upon it, refrain from taking any such action or require additional information or documents before doing so, at its sole discretion. If you witness or experience any misconduct or abusive behaviour by anyone using our services, please let us know.

→ Limitation of Liability

In no event shall Kruvon, its affiliates or their managers, principals, associates and analysts be liable to any party for any claims, liabilities, losses, costs or damages under any theory, including but not limited to any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of in connection with any access, use (or inability to use) or distribution of the Site, or any Content therein. This is true even if Kruvon has been advised of the possibility of such damages or losses.

Copyright © 2024 Kruvon. All rights reserved.